I am still in shock... I write this because i am looking for the place where i can find you. I miss you so much still. Will it ever get easier to know that I will never hear your voice or feel your arms when I need a hug? I am trying so hard to be a woman that you would be proud of. People say all the time that I should be grateful because I have all my needs fulfilled. But I need you still!
I want to remember all the good stuff but it wasn't enough. I just want to find that place and time where i can feel you with me. I just feel lost without you. I want to believe that you are an angel watching over me but I can't feel you. I can't hear you. Since i am a part of you and you of me, I am incomplete and not quite sure of myself now.
You were my security and strength. I always knew I could come home no matter what but where do I go now? I've lost my security... You always loved and believed in me even when no one else did. And loving me was not always easy I know.
Wherever you are, please know that I love and miss you every day. Sometimes I push through and others... Well, let's just say that it hasn't gotten easier yet. Loving you always, Tommi LeNee